- Shanghai Forum unveils new opportunities for globalization

- Shanghai Forum 2023 kicked off on October 27, with a focus on the theme, “Towards a More Inclusive Globalization: Asias New Responsibilities”. Nearly 500 guests from world-renowned think tanks, universities, public and private sectors attended the Forum, with about half of the guests from abroad.D...【Detail】
- Shanghai Forum offers responses to plural global challengesFudan University

- Theopeningceremonyofthe17thShanghaiForumthemed“Asia’sResponsestothePluralGlobalChallenges”washeldonNovember25.Guestsandrepresentativesfromthinktanks,universities,academicinstitutions,enterprises,governmentsandmediafrommanycountriesandregionsaroundtheworldparticipatedintheforumtodiscussthefuturede...【Detail】
- Shanghai Forum 2021: Join hands for a sustainable future

- With the theme of Recovery and Resilience: Asia's Role in a Sustainable Future, Shanghai Forum 2021 kicked off at Fudan University on October 29. Over 2,200 guests from think tanks, universities, academic institutions, enterprises, government agencies and media from more than 40 countries joined the...【Detail】
- Shanghai Forum 2020 Roundtable 3: Multilateral Trade and Sustainable Development in the Post-pandemic Era

- Time:9:00-11:00, December 19th【Detail】
- Shanghai Forum 2020 Roundtable 2: East Asian Regional Cooperation under the Condition of Global Alienation

- Time: 9:30-11:30, December 19th【Detail】
- Shanghai Forum 2020 Roundtable 1: The Future of Northeast Asia in the Changing World

- Time: 11:45-13:15, December 18th【Detail】