- 【Detail】
- SHINE|Shanghai Forum emphasizes importance of 'inclusive globalization'

- The three-day Shanghai Forum 2023 was held at the Shanghai International Convention Center in the Pudong New Area.The 2023 Shanghai Forum was back offline over the weekend, with nearly 500 professionals and intellectuals from around the world sharing their perspectives on the theme Towards a More In...【Detail】
- Fudan University|Shanghai Forum unveils new opportunities for globalization

- Shanghai Forum 2023 kicked off on October 27, with a focus on the theme, “Towards a More Inclusive Globalization: Asias New Responsibilities”. Nearly 500 guests from world-renowned think tanks, universities, public and private sectors attended the Forum, with about half of the guests from abroad....【Detail】
- SHINE | Shanghai forum addresses Asia's responses to plural global challenges

- Shanghai Forum 2022 opened on Friday with representatives from think tanks, universities, research institutions, enterprises and governments attending both online and offline. On the theme of Asia's Responses to the Plural Global Challenges, they discussed how China and other Asian countries can con...【Detail】
- China Daily | Greater cooperation, trust required, forum hears

- Lujiazui,thefinancialcenterinShanghai,formsaperfectbackdroptotheBundarea.[PhotobyWangGang/ForChinaDaily]Callsforgreaterinternationalcooperationandtrustbuildingamongnationshavebeenheardatthe17thShanghaiForumonFriday.Expertsparticipatingintheeventalsospokeoftheneedforcountriestopromotemutualinterestsa...【Detail】
- China Daily | Fudan releases Action Report of Higher Education in China about SDGs

- Fudan University recently released the Action Report of Higher Education in China about SDGs, which reflects how universities in China have implemented sustainable development goals set by the United Nations in 2015 following their research.【Detail】