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Shanghai Forum 2019 Theme Interpretation

Author:  |  Publication Date:2019-11-08

The current international political and economic structure is undergoing major and profound changes. The world is in a period of great development, great change and great adjustment. The drastic change in the global pattern is both a challenge and an opportunity for development for Asia. On the one hand, the rise of economic nationalism, trade protectionism and anti-globalization has seriously affected the existing international economic and trade system. The pressure of hegemonic countries on competitors has increased geopolitical tensions. On the other hand, Asian countries have taken stock of the situation and made a series of positive adjustments to internal and foreign policy. Relations between the major powers have improved markedly. The situation on the Korean peninsula has eased, and regional economic cooperation has witnessed dynamic growth. It is clear that against the backdrop of dramatic changes in the international political and economic landscape, Asia is increasingly turning to itself and unlocking the potential for development and cooperation through reform and adjustment. This round of adjustment is likely to lead to a new paradigm of cooperation and development in Asia. This paradigm should reflect both the needs and realities of Asia and a clear response to changes in the international landscape.

Since the 2008 world financial crisis, Asia has not only been on the rise in its position in the world economy, but it is also playing an increasingly important role in globalization and global governance. The efforts of Asia to explore a new paradigm of development and cooperation are of great importance to Asia and the world at a time when Europe and the US continue to create uncertainty for the world.