I About the Forum and Theme
Shanghai Forum, launched in 2005, is aninternational forum hosted by Fudan University and Korea Foundation forAdvanced Studies. Headquartered in Shanghai, the Forum is a non-governmentaland non-profit organization. The highlight of Shanghai Forum is the annualsymposium in each May at Fudan University. Under the background of economicglobalization, the Forum takes its mission to "Concentrate on Asia, Focuson Hot Issues, Congregate Elites, Promote Interactions, Enhance Cooperation andSeek Consensus" seriously. It endeavors to build an interactive platformfor multi-sided communication amongst academic, political commercial and presscircles through which significant problems both in Asia and the world will bediscussed comprehensively and profoundly, so as to seek consensus on Asia'seconomic, political, social and cultural progress.
Shanghai Forum 2016, the 11th annual conference of Shanghai Forum, will be held in Shanghai from May 28th to May 30th, 2016. As the fresh start of a new decade, ShanghaiForum 2016 has its theme determined as “Towards the Asian Community:Interconnectivity, Integration and Innovation”. The forum consists of fourpanels including Governance, Innovation, Cooperation and Development. We areseeking to solve problems through governance, implement transition based oninnovation, achieve a win-win situation by cooperation, so as to realize thecommon development of Asia.
II About the Four Panels
The detailed introduction of each panel isas follows:
Governance: How to find effective ways andmechanisms to control, regulate and solve Asia issues such as financial crisis,economic stagnation, interest conflicts, environmental pollution and populationcrisis?
Innovation: How to promote thetransformation and upgrading of the country and society with innovativedevelopment modes? How to enhance cross-regional collaboration in innovativeways? How to ignite the productivity through technological innovation?
Cooperation: How to deal with complicatedtraditional and non-traditional challenges through regional and transnationalcooperation? How to build a regional community, deepen economic collaboration,expand cooperative area, and so as to create an interconnecting and win-winsituation?
Development: How should Asian countries confrontthe opportunities and challenges concerning the surviving, producing and livingof human beings for a better future?
III The Management of the Forum
The 3-day Shanghai Forum 2016 will becomposed of keynote speeches, roundtables and sessions. Each roundtable/sessionlasts 3.5 hours (either in the morning or afternoon). Each roundtable/sessionhas one or two chairs and one liaison person. The chair is in charge of all theorganizational work, such as inviting guests, designing the agenda, collectingpapers, organizing academic discussions and writing reports. The liaison personis responsible for assisting the chair with the preparatory work andcoordinating among the chair, Shanghai Forum Organizing Committee and guests. Eachroundtable/session is required to submit two research papers or policy reports(around 5000 words for each and one to be submitted before the forum and one afterthe forum). Shanghai Forum has financial rules and will cover costs includingconference material, venue rental, interpretation, transportation,accommodation, etc.
IV The Application Requirements
Now the application for roundtables andsessions officially opens up to universities, think tanks, governments andenterprises all over the world. The specific requirements are as follows:
1. The Topics:
The topics ofeach roundtable/session should be included within the above range, focusing onthe general theme while discussing from a specific perspective. The topicsshould be realistic, valuable, strategic and be able to draw extensiveattention of the public and media. The topics of roundtables are required to bemore policy-oriented and the topics of sessions should be more academic andproactive.
2. Qualification:
The applicantshould be qualified with rich academic and social resources and influential inspecific areas.
3. The Guests:
The chair shouldinvite guests with world-class research backgrounds or social influence. Toguarantee the depth of discussion and promote international communication, eachroundtable/session can invite 12 speakers, including 4 from overseas, 4 fromChina and 4 from Shanghai. Scholars from Fudan University can be invited to participatein the roundtable/session.
4. Co-chairs:
We welcomeapplicants with a cross-disciplinary or cross-institutional background andencourage cooperation with well-known institutions in the world, especiallydistinguished think tanks.
5. The applicant who helps toinvite keynote speakers at the opening or closing ceremony of the Forum ispreferred.
If you are interested in organizing roundtables/sessionsof Shanghai Forum 2016, please download and fill in the form of"Application for Roundtables/Sessions of Shanghai Forum 2016" andsend it back to the email address: shanghaiforum@fudan.edu.cn before 10th October,2015. The result will be announced after a responsible process of selection.
Thank you for your attention andparticipation!
Contact: Luo Qian, Zhang Yuan
Address: Fudan University 7F, 220 HandanRoad, Shanghai China
Tel: 021-65642354
ShanghaiForum Organizing Committee
September 7, 2015