From Mar. 12 to 15, 2012, the delegation of Shanghai Forum Organizing Committee, led by Prof. Lin Shangli, Vice President of Fudan University, called upon the South Korean SK Group for consultation and discussion of matters concerning the upcoming “Shanghai Forum 2012”. The delegation members included Sub-forum Chairman and Vice Dean of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Prof. Wu Xinbo; Secretary-General of the Forum and Adviser to President on International Affairs of Fudan University, Prof. Chen Yinzhang; Executive Vice-Secretary-General and Secretariat Office Director of the Forum, Associate Prof. Zhang Yi; and Vice-Secretary-General of the Forum and Deputy Director of the Financial Office, Ms. Yu Qing.
While in South Korea, the delegation visited SK Telecom and SK Innovation, as well as SK Headquarters, coming to fully understand SK Group's current development and strategy in the fields of communications, energy, and chemical engineering. Together with Vice Chairman of the SK Group, Mr. Jae-Youl Kim, they looked into future prospects for the integration of industry, study and research between Fudan University and SK Group. Furthermore, Vice President Lin Shangli made explicit Shanghai Forum's purpose to establish a platform for academic, industrial, and political discourse, to serve as a location for further mutual engagement, and to make science and technology better capable of serving society.
During talks between the delegation and the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, the Secretariat of the Shanghai Forum Organizing Committee reported on the progress of “Shanghai Forum 2012” preparations to President of KFAS, Mr. Park In-kook, who expressed full satisfaction. The two parties ardently discussed contents of the forthcoming round tables on renewable energy and free-trade agreements as well as arrangements for honored guests who will be in attendance. On the topic of renewable energy, both resolved to take a forward stance in the field of electric vehicle technology.
While in South Korea, the delegation also met Secretary-General for General Affairs of South Korea, Secretary-General of Media, together with Assistant-Secretary-General of Environmental Affairs. They exchanged ideas regarding some central Sino-Korean issues such as green-economy, and the South Korea's general election.
On March 15, the delegation convened a meeting at the hotel at which they were lodged to summarize the knowledge gained from this visit to South Korea. Vice President Lin Shangli raised practical concerns and expectations for Shanghai Forum, hoping that “Shanghai Forum 2012” will be capable of greater openness, further integrate and strengthen the ties between strategy and thought, scholars and think tanks, strategy and technology, academy and industry, and intellectuals and government, so that Shanghai Forum will possess more real influence.