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Shanghai Forum 2014 Conference Opening

Author:  |  Publication Date:2014-05-25

The opening ceremony of Shanghai Forum 2014 will be held on May 24 that the Shanghai International Conference Center. This year’s focus is Asia Transforms: Identifying New Dynamics. Over 500 delegates representing nearly 40 countries and regions will attend the opening, which features opening remarks from special guests: Tu Guangshao, Executive Vice Mayor of Shanghai; Han Seung-soo, Former Prime Minister, Republic of Korea; Yang Yuliang, President of Fudan University; and Park In-kook, President of the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies. In addition, Fang Jun, Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs Department, Ministry of Education will deliver a speech on behalf of Hao Ping, Vice Minister of Ministry of Education. Presiding over the ceremony will be Zhu Zhiwen, Party Secretary and Chancellor of Fudan University.

Following the opening remarks, a number of keynote speeches will be given by the following distinguished guests: Robert Shiller, 2013 Nobel Laureate and Sterling Professor of Economics at Yale University; Adam Posen, President of Peterson Institute for International Economics; Michael Grubb, Professor of International Energy and Climate Change Policy, Institute of Sustainable Resources, University College London(UCL), Editor-in-Chief of the Climate Policy journal; Sha Zukang, Former United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs and Honorary Director, Institute of International Studies, Fudan University. Their speeches will illuminate issues of economics, foreign relations, culture, society, and the environment for Asia and China. Speeches will be presided over by Park In-kook.

This year’s forum will take place from May 24th to May 26th, consisting of nine sub-forums with different takes on the development and dynamics of Shanghai’s, China’s, and Asia’s future. The sub-forums include: “The Chinese Economy at Crossroads: End of Hyper Growth?” “Structural Transformation of the World’s Economic Growth and New Challenges to Asia,” “Financial Innovation and Financial Stability,” “New Perspectives on Asia-Pacific Cooperation,” “Policy Guidance for International Metropolis Development: Innovation and Wisdom,” “The Changing Labor Market in Asia,” “Urbanization Upgrading and Future Cities,” “Innovation Path to Sustainable Development for Environment and Health System,” and “Towards Inclusive Growth: Green Energy Transformation and Environmental Climate Governance.”

In keeping with tradition, Shanghai Forum will again host a high-level dialogue, this year focusing on the topic, “China and Asia under Haze—Environment Security and Countermeasures of Science and Policy,” as well as high-level roundtables, “Asia’s Growth Bottleneck: Who Can Be the Ice Breaker?,” “Asian Cities and Social Development during the Transitional Period,” and “The Role of Social Enterprises for Overcoming the New Challenges in Asia.” Unlike previous years, Shanghai Forum 2014 will also include a discussion on the future development of the Shanghai Free-trade Zone: “FTZ Special Session — Key Factors of a Successful Free Trade Zone.” Participants will engage in heated and productive discussions relating to their respective fields of expertise, and integrate policymaking, business, and academic for forward-looking consultation on important issues.

Shanghai Forum, first held in 2005, is hosted by Fudan University and the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, and organized by the Fudan Development Institute—a new research organization for higher education. In these past nine years, more than 3000 experts and professionals in policymaking, business, and academia have contributed their insights, upholding the mission to “Concentrate on Asia, Focus on Hot Issues, Congregate Elites, Promote Interactions, Enhance Cooperation and Seek Consensus.” Shanghai Forum is an international platform with an increasingly significant influence. By providing opportunities for constructive exchanges and interaction, Shanghai Forum seeks to be a positive force for broadening horizons and contributing to Asia’s development and prosperity.

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