On April 24, the second PreparatoryMeeting of Shanghai Forum 2018 was held at Fudan Development Institute. TheOrganizing Committee of the Shanghai Forum, the Secretariat, roundtable/sessionchairs and representatives, as well as the responsible comrades of the relevantdepartments of the school attended the meeting. Director of media promotion androundtable/session chairs reported on the highlights of Shanghai Forum 2018 andthe progress of the preparatory work. Chen Zhimin, Associate Vice Presidentof Fudan University and Park In-kook, President of Korea Foundation forAdvanced Studies both gave a summary speech at the end of the meeting.
Chen Zhimin expressed his gratitudeto President Park In-kook as well as roundtable/session chairs andrepresentatives for coming to the second Preparatory Meeting. He hoped thatthis year’s Shanghai Forum could focus on Asia and Asia’s links to variousregions of the world, touching upon major issues in a world of change.
Park In-kook reviewed and spokehighly of the significant progress in preparatory work. He hoped that ShanghaiForum could shoulder the responsibility to improve our knowledge-sharingphilosophy and vision, thus becoming a leader of intellectual discourse in Asiaand the world.
Founded in 2005, Shanghai Forum isnow known as one of the most famous international forums held in Shanghai. Co-hostedby Fudan University and Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, undertaken byFudan Development Institute (FDDI), Shanghai Forum endeavors to build aninteractive platform for multi-sided communication amongst academic, political,commercial, and press circles through which significant problems both in Asiaand the world will be discussed comprehensively and profoundly.
Shanghai Forum 2018 is to be held onMay 26-28, 2018 and the theme is “Asia’s Responsibilities in a World of Change”.The Forum includes 10 roundtables and 17 sessions within six panels, including “GlobalGovernance”, “Environmental Governance”, “Public Security”, “Social Governance”,“Scientific & Technological Innovation” and “Culture & Civilization”.It is to provide a platform for the exchange of thoughts and ideas on topics ofcommon concern, such as major-country relationship, the Belt & RoadInitiative, artificial intelligence, green financial innovation, and Arcticgovernance & exploration.