It is a great honor for me to take part inthe opening of this year’s Shanghai Forum.
On a professional note I am honored tobecome part of the impressive list of distinguished speakers of this importantforum. I am pleased that the organizers have found that the regionalcooperation among the five Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway,Sweden and the three autonomous areas Greenland, Faroe Islands and Aaland –which I represent here today as Secretary General of the Nordic Council ofMinisters – has relevance to the development of Asia.
The differences between the small Nordicnations and the big Asian countries are vast. But I fully agree that the Nordicexperience of regional cooperation and society building is relevant to Asia. Iwould like to focus my intervention on what we may learn from each other – forI believe that the potential for mutual learning is what should shapeNordic-Asian relations today and in the future. I will do this by discussingsome achievements and dilemmas of the Nordic experience and then towards theend of my intervention sum up with the points which I believe are relevant toAsia. Finally, I will mention some of the areas where you are a greatinspiration to us.
But before I go into this I would like tosay that also on a personal note I am very pleased to be here in Shanghai. Thiswas the port of arrival for my great grandfather when he travelled to Chinamore than 100 years ago as a medical doctor to help people in need andeventually build hospitals and schools in Western China. And it was the port ofdeparture for my grandmother when they left for Norway 17 years later. She was18 years old at the time. And she deeply regretted having to leave the countryof her childhood and her much beloved Chinese countryside. Having travelled toChina on several occasions I fully understand her regret – and it is always apleasure for me to return to China where important roots of my family historyare located.
Learningabout each other – and from each other
The history of my family bears witness tothe fact that Nordic and Asian people may enrich each other when we interact.
We must know each other to learn from eachother. This
is a basic premise for a fruitfulrelationship – between
people and between states.
In his recent book “World Order” former USsecretary of state Henry Kissinger tells about his visit to China in 1971 toreestablish contact after two decades of hostility. He mentioned to ChinesePremier Zhou Enlai that to the American delegation China was a land of mystery.Premier Zhou Enlai responded “You will find it not mysterious. When you have becomefamiliar with it, it will not seem so mysterious as before.” And – Premier ZhouEnlai went on observing – “after all there are 900 million Chinese – and Chinaseems perfectly normal to them”.
We must know each other to learn from eachother.
The work of Fudan University to interactwith research institutions all over the world is an important contribution tostrengthening mutual relations and mutual learning. In the Nordic Council ofMinisters we are pleased to support this in a Nordic context by hosting theFudan-European Centre at the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS). Togetherthese institutions foster new East-West partnerships by conveying knowledgeabout the Nordic countries in Asia ¨C and by broadening knowledge of modernAsia in the Nordic region. I believe this is a very important work which bothregions benefit from.
I understand that the name Fudan origins inthe quotation "Heavenly light shines day after day” which symbols thecontinuous strive for progress. I find this saying very inspirational – alsofor a man coming from the region of Northern lights.
Nordiccooperation – inspiration for Asia
Which parts of Nordic cooperation could thenbe of inspiration to Asia?
The basis of the Nordic co-operation is ourcommon historical, cultural and geographical heritage. And the fact that theNordic societies are based on the same fundamental values, such as democracy,trust, openness, tolerance, equality, sustainability and social welfare.
Just to recap, the Nordic region rangesfrom Greenland in the East to the borders of Russia in the East. We arealtogether 26 million inhabitants. Together, the five Nordic countriesconstitute the world’s 11th biggest economy.
The Nordic cooperation is one of the oldestand most comprehensive regional partnerships in the world. It is driven byconsensus. All decisions are taken unanimously. In essence, the Nordiccountries are bound together by common values – and the desire to learn fromeach other on issues where we differ.
This has not always been the case – though.For the past 200 years the Nordic countries have lived at peace with eachother. But going further back, like the rest of Europe the Nordic region wasmarked by recurrent strife and conflict – with shifting alliances and rulers.
However, in the aftermath of World War 2,bold Nordic leaders chose to cooperate. Acknowledging that together we arestronger, these bold leaders chose to focus on similarities and commoninterests instead of limitations, differences and fear. This led to the establishmentof the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministers.
A Chinese proverb says that one generationplants the trees and another gets the shade. This is true for the Nordiccountries and the Nordic cooperation.
Within the first ten years of the Nordiccooperation ambitious decisions were taken to create a passport union, a commonNordic labor-market, a common market for education, and agreement was reachedon a convention on social security.
Over the years this close integrationbetween the Nordic countries has been a driver for economic growth and hashelped balance economic fluctuations between the countries. Likewise the factthat the Nordic students may choose to study at any Nordic school or universitypromotes innovation and creativity in the region.
TheNordic model
Evidently, the positive economicdevelopment in the Nordic region over the past 70 years is not only due to theintegrated Nordic markets. All Nordic countries have chosen to build welfaresocieties balancing market mechanism and public intervention in what is calledthe Nordic model - characterized by both flexible and secure labour markets,large investment in human capital, extensive work oriented public safety netsfinanced by high taxes and efficient public sectors.
This has led to affluent and relativelyequal societies. Overall the situation in the Nordic countries can be describedas a social contract whereby citizens accept high levels of taxes. Not becauseNordic citizens are particularly homogenous or altruistic. But because they getsomething in return in terms of free health care, free education, welldeveloped infrastructure, high unemployment benefits and so on.
Furthermore, over a long period, the Nordicgovernments have delivered relative economic equality, low levels ofcorruption, and a well-functioning public administration that enjoys thelegitimacy of its citizens. These are some of the ingredients in the recipe forthe Nordic Model.
The Nordic way of organizing society hasshown itself to be very rational – leading to strong and innovative economies.
According to the World Bank Group economyrankings, four of the five Nordic countries are among the ten best countries inthe word when it comes to the “ease of doing business”-ranking.
Furthermore, four Nordic countries are inthe top ten of the Global Creativity Index. In the top-ten listing of countrieswith the best work-life balance, three are Nordic. Four of the top ten in theGlobal Gender Gap Index are Nordic countries. The World Press Freedom Indexplaces four of the Nordic countries in the top ten. And finally, on the list ofthe world’s most optimistic countries we find four Nordic countries.
The fact is that the Nordic countries areconsistently high ranking with regard to skills and competencies needed in thefuture. These virtues and skills are central to the Nordic way of thinking, andpart of the success of the Nordic Model, a model which may also be ofinspiration for Asia.
Currentchallenges for the Nordics
However, due to the global trends we nowfind ourselves in a situation where core elements of the Nordic cooperation andfundamental elements of the Nordic model of society are challenged.
Development in the areas of security andeconomics – as well as climate change, environmental and social threats¨Cpresent us with a number of dilemmas. Is it possible to maintain equality,open borders and universal welfare states in a situation with large waves ofrefugees and migrants? Is it possible to maintain open societies built on trustand tolerance in a situation with recurrent terrorist attacks? Can we maintaineconomic growth in a situation where climate change may threaten our veryexistence?
These are obvious dilemmas. But I amoptimistic. Over the years, many times researchers and commentators havequestioned the ability of this Nordic model to survive: after the oil crisis inthe 1970’s; during the economic crisis of the 1980’s; and during the financialcrisis of the beginning of this century. But the bumblebee has continued to fly.So far, the Nordic model has shown resilience. The Nordic countries have provedthemselves capable of reform when needed.
Nordicclimate-solutions at home and abroad
One concrete example of this innovativeresponse is the Nordic response to the dilemma between climate change andeconomic growth. You probably know the Chinese saying: “When the winds ofchange blow, some build windbreaks, other build windmills”. In the Nordiccountries we have built windmills - both literally and in abstract terms.Through green innovation the Nordic countries have proven that it is possibleto secure economic growth and at the same time reduce carbon emissions. Infact, the Nordic countries have managed to secure a prolonged and dramaticdecoupling of emissions and economic growth.
The Nordic energy cooperation contributesto stable and secure energy supplies and sustainable growth. And it helpsmeeting climate and environmental challenges through growth in sustainableenergy and an ever increasing focus on energy efficiency.
In fact, according to the 2015 Global 100ranking, 5 of the 20 most sustainable companies in the world are Nordic.Thedemand for environmental solutions from the Nordic governments has driven ourcompanies to innovate and opened a global business potential.
I have noted with interest that greendevelopment and sharing is part of the new 5 year plan for China. This planalso outlines continued openness and participation in global governance andtrade. This is very much in line with the positive Nordic experience.
The area of energy, climate and environmentis an excellent example of the Nordic countries speaking with one voice on theEuropean and global arena.
When president Obama received the fiveNordic heads of state in the White House two weeks ago, he remarked that theNordics “punch above their weight”. Acting and speaking together in theinternational arena is one reason for this. Speaking together we stand a betterchance of being heard - and achieving influence, as we have seen on the Nordic imprinton the global climate agreements and many other areas of internationalcooperation.
Conclusion- what we may learn from each other
In light of the Nordic countries ability tostand together - and to reform when necessary - I am also confident that theNordic countries are also ready to meet new challenges to the Nordic model ofsociety.
So to conclude, let me sum up: I believethat this Nordic experience of regional cooperation may be of inspiration toAsian countries in a number of areas,
- Focusing on common values andsimilarities.
- Acknowledging differences and seeing themas an opportunity to learn.
- Seeking integration as a mean to creategrowth and innovation.
- Cooperating by consensus as a very robustway of decision making.
- Seeking innovative solutions to newchallenges by working together
- Seeking influence in international arenasby speaking with one voice, sharing good solutions and contributing to thedevelopment of less developed regions of the world by humanitarian and developmentassistance.
- These are some of the experiences andvalues which we ¨C the Nordic countries ¨C can bring to the table in ourco-operation with other regions, including Asia. I believe that we have much tooffer. And we have much to learn.
The ancient Chinese culture focusing onhuman relations from the family to the society writ large is coloring the wholeof East Asia. I am sure that we in the Nordic region can be inspired by thisEastern humanism as well.
The same goes for learning: the role of educationin China and East Asia. There are certainly many different reasons for youreconomic success and continued fast development. One of them is the seriousnessin characterizing your students, and also the excellent institutionalfacilities you are providing them with. In our educational and researchcooperation we will seek inspiration from you.
And talking about economic success, yoursolid and vibrant cooperation between public institutions and the privatesector has produced impressive results in the transformation towards greengrowth and in your fast growing physical and digital infrastructure.
There are certainly many more areas ofChina¡¯s great cultural heritage, your knowledge-based and futureorienteddevelopment, and your impressive economic achievement that inspires us, andthat we can learn from. I therefore look very much forward to continue andintensify our cooperation.
Thank you.
(This article is edited based on the recording and has not been reviewed by the speaker.)