First, I would like to offer my thanks to theorganizing committee for extending the invitation to me. I wish this forum a completesuccess. Of course, the world is experiencing turmoil and rapid changes;international structures and relations are in great instability. I would liketo say that the entire humankind is facing great challenges. We saw there weremany local conflicts in many regions across the world and financial crises werebecoming more and more frequent with deeper and deeper impact. We also see theemergence of competition for key and strategic resources and the competitionbecomes cross-border. Terrorism activities as well as drug dealing is no longerconfined within one country and there is so far no cross-border model toaddress this issue. So in this kind of situation, it poses high requirementsfor the general order of the world, regional coordination management and thesingle country’s governance. It also requires the maximum level of integrationand cooperation. But at the same time, we detected the reverse situationsbecause we also see the emergence of national protectionism and politicalisolationism.
The developing small countries feel keen aboutthis. The advantage of the developing small country is free, nimble andflexible. Well, being free means the free flow of commodities, resources,technology, human resources and capital. Such freedom is of crucial importanceto developing small countries. So it is necessary and it is a must to protectsuch freedom, the key to establish a mechanism of integration and coordinateddevelopment. There is consensus in the world that equity, or equality is thefoundation of human development in the future. Equality ensures that everycountry can become an equal member of the international community. According tothe current situation, pitifully, we see that there are many distortions. Ithink the responsibility is not only with the developing countries. The part ofwhat we call the world development order mechanism should have been redefined.Security is of paramount importance since it ensures safety and securitystability in the worldwide context including political, economic, resourcesecurity. So the guarantee of security is not the will or the game of a singlecountry, but a must for the development of the entire humankind. At the sametime, we should not neglect the uniqueness of each culture and the future of eachnation. Apart from pursuing the material civilization, we should not forget orforsake the foundation for the human civilization to reach the highest level.There are universally applicable concepts, for example equality, ethics,freedom, responsibilities, which have specific and concrete essence. At thesame time, we should also preserve the diversity and features of every nation.
To the entire humankind, any idea of having onecountry dominate the world order is hopeless. It will exacerbate conflicts anddeepen them. The only way to solve the problem is to find a solution thatensures win-win among all the countries. The responsibility is with the workingmechanism of the governments around the world. We need to find the wisdom forcooperation and the key principle is mutual help and partnership. I took noticethat the competition for resources is deteriorating with more and moreconflicts. Probably the only correct way is to find a more equitable solutionto exercise the economical use of the indispensable resources and we shouldtake active actions in search of alternative energies. I think the overarchingissue is to ensure the safety, security and stability, the requirement of theentire humankind. But right now the world order and the conflict settlementmechanisms only represent low efficiency and inability, so they cannot addressthe problems that we are fighting. We must have new top-down designs thatensure the basic development conditions for each country; this is of specialsignificance to small countries. There is not a single country, especially asmall country that can grow without certain degree of dependence andinteractions with other countries. Yes, there is now a tendency of localprotectionism, but there is only one solution that is integration; that is whywe need to build a global, cross-nation mechanism of trust so that we canestablish an equitable platform upon which we can discuss the futuredevelopment. Equally, there is a need to set up cross-nation, cross-region, andcross-race mechanisms to address the long-term development issues faced byhuman being.
Not long ago, a high-level summit wassuccessfully held in Beijing. I believe it has served as a very good platform.We are now at the dawn of the technical revolution, which will havefar-reaching influence on all walks of human life including economy, health,education, and cultural innovation. The technology should not divide the world;rather, it should be the result of the development of human society. The newsituations in the world development are forcing the transformation of the worldorder in a different level and different dimension. However, the basic changeshould not only happen at the structural level, but there also needs to be afundamental change in mentality with regard to the establishment of a new worldorder, and the primary goal is the equal development.
(This article is edited based onthe recording and has not been reviewed by the speaker.)