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Shanghai Forum 2016 Roundtable 2

Author:  |  Publication Date:2016-05-19

London School of Economics and Political Science;
New York University;
Financial Research Center, Fudan Development Institute

Introduction of the Chair:

Sun Lijian

Prof. Sun Lijian is Distinguished Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor at Fudan University. He is now Director of the Financial Research Center at Fudan University. His research interests include microstructure of financial markets, comparison of the financial systems, international finance, empirical finance theory and open macroeconomics.

Prof. Sun received his Bachelor Degree on Engineering from the School of Civil Engineering, Tongji University. He studied at Hitotsubashi University, Japan, from April 1993 to March 2000, and received his Ph.D. on Business. He has been teaching at the School of Economics, Fudan University, after graduation. Prof. Sun has won numerous awards, including the second and the third prizes of Excellent Academic Papers on the Research and Advocacy of the Deng Xiaoping Theory (Shanghai) respectively in 2004 and 2006, two third prizes of the 7th and 8th Excellent Academic Papers in Social Sciences and Arts (Shanghai) in 2004 and 2006, the second prize of Mr. Ann Tse-Kai Award of Excellent Papers on International Trade (National) in 2004, and the second prize of the 8th Decision-making Consultation Research Findings (Shanghai) in 2012.

Theme Interpretion:

The central topic of the Financial Sub-forum Academic special issue of Shanghai Forum jointly organized with NYU and LSE is monetary policy and financial market. Monetary policy is an important means of macroeconomic adjustment and control. The global financial crisis is one of the main factors that lead to the world economic fluctuation. After the financial crisis, the monetary policy of countries around the world became the focus of media attentions. Especially, the relationship between monetary policy and financial market has attracted much attention. For example, the quantitative easing after American financial crisis in 2008, Quantitative easing policy implemented by EU and Japan recently, the regulation of Basel agreement on bank asset liquidity and a series of new reform for financial market implemented by the Federal Reserve such as reserve rate, reverse repurchase and the market structural reform between banks. After financial crisis, countries around the world caught in a zero interest rate trap. The effectiveness of traditional monetary policy has been greatly affected. The effectiveness of new monetary policy has a great impact on the world economy.

Under such context, it is very important to study the influence of monetary policy on capital market. The conference will invite the top experts in the relevant issues. Through discussion, we hope to enhance the understanding of the transmission mechanism of monetary policy to the capital market and then help the policy maker to develop more effective policy.

The main topics of the meeting will be launched around the hot issues policy researcher discussed. For example, the effect of traditional monetary policy such as quantitative easing, reserve rate, reverse repurchase, the effectiveness of regulation of Basel Agreement on financial intermediaries, the relationship of mechanism of monetary policy and financial market liquidity, the relationship of monetary policy and the systematic risk of financial intermediary.