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Chen Zhimin

Vice President of Fudan University

     Dr. Chen Zhimin is Vice President of FudanUniversity, Shanghai, China. He is a Changjiang Scholar and a Jean Monnet Chairof European foreign policy. He is vice president of Chinese Association ofInternational Studies. He serves as editor-in-chief of Chinese PoliticalScience Review. His research interests include international relationstheory, diplomacy studies, Chinese foreign policy and EU studies. His majorpublications in Chinese include: China, the United States and Europe:Cooperation and Competition in a New Trilateral Relation (2011, firstauthor); Contemporary Diplomacy (2008, first author); Foreign PolicyIntegration in European Union: An Mission Impossible? (2003, first author); Subnational Governments and Foreign Affairs(2001). He also co-edited(with David Zweig) China's Reforms and International Political Economy (Routledge,2007). Professor Chen received all his degrees from Fudan University. He was avisiting fellow at Harvard University (1996-1997), also visiting scholar atQueens University, University of Durham, Lund University, SciencesPo. and Keio University. He was made a Chevalier dans LOrdredes Palmes Academiques by the French Government in 2006.