Former Minister of Finance of Brazil
Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira, EmeritusProfessor at Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV). He was Finance Minister, Ministerof Federal Administration and State Reform, and Minister of Science andTechnology of Brazil. Prior to that, he was the President of the Bank of theState of Sao Paulo and Chief of Staff of the Governor of Sao Paulo. He is alsothe Dean of the Research Center on New Developmentalism of FGV.
He teaches at the Getulio Vargas Foundationsince 1962. He was Visiting Professor at the Pantheon-Sorbonne University, atthe École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, and at the University of SãoPaulo. He was also visiting fellow at Oxford University in Nuffield College andSt Antony's College.
In 1996, Mr. Bresser-Pereira created thefirst Master Program on Business Administration of Brazil, in the GetulioVargas Foundation. He founded it and is the editor of the Brazilian Journal ofPolitical Economy since 1981. He is a top media writer, particularly Folha deS. Paulo.
His is author of many academic papers andbooks, including Development and Crisis in Brazil (Westview, 1984); The Theoryof Inertial Inflation (Rienner Publishers, 1987); Economic Reforms in NewDemocracies, with Adam Przeworski and José María Maravall (1993); Democracy andPublic Management Reform (Oxford, 2004); and Globalization and Competition(Cambridge, 2010); and The Political Construction of Brazil (Lynne Rienner,2016).
In the last 15 years, he has beendeveloping a new and open Development Economics, the New Developmentalism,focusing on the five macroeconomic prices and in the current account stability.