President and Professor of Fudan University
Dr. Xu Ningsheng is a professor at Fudan University inShanghai, China. He was awarded his bachelor degree in Semiconductor Physics in1982 from Sun Yat-Sen (Zhongshan) University. From 1983 to 1986, he conductedhis postgraduate research at Aston University, UK and received his PhD in 1986.In 2013, he was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science (DSc), also from AstonUniversity. After receiving his PhD, Ningsheng was employed as research staffof Aston University. In 1996, he was appointed Professor of Physics at SunYat-Sen University and served as the Head of the School of Physics andEngineering for a period of time. He also served as the Director of the StateKey Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies from 2002 to 2014.He was President of Sun Yat-Sen University from December 2010 to October 2014. Since October 2014, he has been President of Fudan University.
His current research focuses on electron emission coldcathode materials. He has served as chairman and member of various steeringcommittees of international academic organizations, including IVMC/IVNC(International Vacuum Micro/Nanoelectronics Conference), IFES (InternationalField Emission Symposium) and SID (Beijing Chapter, Society of InformationDisplay), and is now the Chairman of Vacuum Society of China. He is also aFellow of the Institute of Physics, UK. He has published more than a hundredscientific research papers in international journals and written chapters ofnumerous academic works, including a chapter in an academic volume published byAcademic Press, London, UK and a chapter in an encyclopedia published byAmerican Scientific Publishers. He is also one of the inventors of patents inChina, the United States, the United Kingdom and other European countries. Hewas elected to be an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 2009and a member of The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) in2011. He has been Member of the Steering Committee of Association of PacificRim Universities (APRU) since 2017. He has served in a number of nationalexpert committees, including China 973 and 863, two national key programmes. Heis currently a member of the expert committee for the 13th NationalFive-Year Plan.