Chairman, World Free Zone Convention President, European Policy Forum
Chairman, World Free Zone Convention
Mr. Graham Mather is Chairman of the World Free Zone Convention. He is also President of the European Policy Forum, a position he held from April 1992 to present. Mr. Mather previously served in the European Parliament from 1994-1999. Prior to joining the European Policy Forum, he served not only as the General Director of the Institute of Economic Affairs from 1987-1992, but also as the Head of Policy Unit of the Institute of Directors from 1980-1986. Speaking at the World Free Zone Convention in 2010, Mr. Mather said: “It is interesting that free zones have prospered in recent years in the Asian growth hotspots. China’s special economic zones have been a major contributor to its powerful, sustained growth performance”.
Mr. Graham Mather has served as an inspirational member in a number of institutes. He has been a Board Director of Greenham Common Trust, a member of the Monopolies and Mergers Commission and the Competition Appeal Tribunal, the Ofcom Consumer Panel, and as a Trustee of The Philip Geddes Memorial Fund.
Mr. Graham Mather is a lawyer, has experience in local, national and international economic policy and advises an international investment bank. Mr. Mather earned his MA in Jurisprudence from New College, University of Oxford in 1976. He was a visiting fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford from 1992-2000.